Friday Progress Update, June 14: "Saving the Princess"

Good evening, everyone!

Thank you all for tuning in to this week's Progress Update. It's an honor and a pleasure to see you all here today. I have something on my mind today that I want to discuss with you. Let's just get the update out of the way first!

All I've done this week so far is rendering, 13-15-15-13 day by day, not that I'm keeping track or anything. I've now reached the end of my pre-written script which means I'm both writing and setting up renders. It'll slow the rendering down some but I've never quite managed to make myself write the entirety of an update before I have to break off from that to start rendering.

I'm now near the end of Catalina's part of the update. Somewhere around 50 renders to go, which will bring the count to around 600 in total. When I set out to do this update, I had in mind to do around 100, maybe up to 150, renders per "part" for Sandra, Miko, Catalina, and Elisabeth. Now I'm nearing 600, and still have Beth to go. More on this towards the bottom.

Catalina in the next update.

Awaken had a joke of a question that I'll answer. At least the demonic laughter at the end makes me think it was a joke! write about what gives you the most burnout, developing the game or writing these friday reports hahaha

Well, the answer is neither really. I can feel a tad stressed out at times by how slow things move. Okay, writing a big script would be, if anything, a bit of a drain.

Anyway, on to what I wanted to talk about:

When I'm done with Cat's scenes in a few days, I have only one girl left: Beth. I do have a fairly big scene in mind for her, or rather a sequence of scenes.

But I'm also really itching to release something and it's stressing me out that it's been so long since I updated. I know it's only been two months and a couple of days, and some devs work on updates for double that and even more. Yet even so ...

So what I'm thinking of doing is release an update in maybe ten days without Beth, and then immediately go to work on Beth and release the next update with just a bunch of Beth stuff as soon as possible after that (4-5 weeks maybe?)

I'm feeling like I'm going to be stressing through the Beth scenes and maybe not do her justice, if I'm waiting with a release until I'm done with all those too. I won't lie - if I feel I can take my time a bit with Beth, I might do a bit more rendering and writing than otherwise, so this split release might not be quite as fast, but better for my nerves and hopefully better quality.

I might put it up to a poll. It feels a tiny, tiny bit like a betrayal, you know? I don't like changes of plans.

Thoughts? Let me know.

Anyway, I'm not done for the day. I'm back in the saddle for some more rendering. Thanks for reading and thank you for your support!

Oh: Germany just crushed the Scots in the opening game. Blowing their load way early. Feels like they'll be out in the quarterfinals this time. ;)

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work is good burnout is not do what reall feels right and everyone be damnd you have a good game here. look forward to whatever you release

I'm not burning out, I'm just impatient. I was not made to do those huge 6-8 month updates. :)

Hey whatever makes you feel better !!